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The Best Way for Technology Supplies to be Purchased

Purchasing any kind of technology for your organization can be really exciting but at the same time can also be pretty stressful. When purchasing any kind of new technology for your organization rarely does it ever go smoothly and to top it all off the bidding process is a complex process that seems to be never ending. Organizations usually end up not getting the top tier equipment they originally wanted and settle for the lower end equipment, which in the end could hurt the organization in the long run, which also means having to go through the whole bidding process yet again. Luckily, there are choices to help with the complexities of the bidding process as well as making sure you are not wasting your time and money if you are in the market for new technology equipment for your organization. Eligible schools, public agencies, healthcare organizations and non-profit organizations can use two services called PEPPM or COSTARS to make the purchasing of any kind of new technology for their organization a breeze.


PEPPM is a national purchasing cooperative, serving education agencies and other public sector governments throughout the United States. The PEPPM cooperative is a program of the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit (CSIU), an educational service agency in Pennsylvania. The CSIU is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, created by the Pennsylvania Legislature. The CSIU’s legal authorities include the ability to seek bids for products and services and then award shareable purchasing contracts for the benefit of other agencies, including schools, cities, counties, special districts, and universities inside and outside of Pennsylvania. It has continuously operated the PEPPM program since 1982.

COSTARS is the Cooperative Purchasing Program, a service established by the Pennsylvania Department of General Services for use by Local Public Procurement Units within the Commonwealth. COSTARS is the conduit to connect existing Commonwealth contracts. These COSTARS members spend over $1 billion per year using the COSTARS program. The goal of the COSTARS program is to encourage, expand, and facilitate the opportunities for members to achieve procurement savings and the best value through an interactive partnership with the Commonwealth as well as provide increased opportunities for suppliers of any size to participate and compete for members’ business.

Benefits of PEPPM and COSTARS

PEPPM is a game changer for all different kinds of organizations across the world. When you use PEPPM to purchase technology you’ll get access to over a million different products as well as finding technology that meets your needs. The nice thing about PEPPM is that you will always get the product you want without ever having to go through the tedious bidding process. PEPPM offers lower technology acquisition costs which have all been previously bided and priced. Another benefit to using PEPPM is the amount of time you will be saving. Instead of going through all of the obstacles in the regular time consuming bidding process which includes reviewing quotes and analyzing proposals you’re able to skip the bidding process altogether. PEPPM takes care of that work for you which means you can leverage the pre bid contacts, select products and services from PEPPM’s very own catalog and submit a purchase order. That’s it fast, simple and the best part is you will already be in compliance with local and state laws when using PEPPM services for your technology product needs.

Just like PEPPM, COSTARS is also a game changer for organizations around the world. When you use COSTARS to purchase technology you will get access to additional business opportunities, which allow suppliers to sell quality and not just a certain price. Another great benefit of being linked with COSTARS is the ability to get free education from workshops, online training and a quarterly newsletter on how to submit a COSTARS bid provided by the COSTAR staff. Using COSTARS also gives you the opportunity to save money and time by not having to go through the tedious bidding process.

Don’t go Through the Hassle of the Bidding Process Ever Again

Purchasing any kind of new hardware or software is never easy. The bidding process is time consuming and expensive for practically every organization looking to purchase some kind of technology. It can lead to unsuccessful attempts at not getting what you originally wanted, wasting all your time and money. Using PEPPM and COSTARS will not only save you time and money, but it also saves you from having to go through the dreaded bidding process ever again. If you are interested in how PEPPM or COSTRARS can benefit you, contact All Lines Technology today with any questions you may have, we are here to help you save time and money!